Photo Contest

Deadline for entries: October 15, 2022

Publication and Usage

By entering the Contest, participants agree that the Ohio River Sternwheel Festival can use the submitted photos for advertising and other promotional purposes and are entitled to having their name listed alongside the photo. Winning photographs will be featured in the next year’s program with photo credit. 

Submission Guidelines

All entries must be submitted digitally. Please email your image as a .jpg to Bruce Wunderlich at:

  • If your image is large, you may need to send one image per email. Alternatively, you can transfer larger images using websites like or A confirmation email will be sent to acknowledge the receipt of your entries.
  • Digital files must have a minimum resolution of 3500 pixels on the longest side.
  • Each participant can submit up to 6 images.
  • Please include your name in the filename of all images.
  • Include the following information with each entry: Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Phone number, Email address
  • All photos MUST be taken during this years Ohio River Sternwheel Festival. 

Failure to provide all the required information may result in disqualification.



1st – $100
2nd – $75
3rd – $50

Honorable mentions will also be selected

Digital Entry Form

49th Annual



Each year, the Ohio River Sternwheel festival draws crowds of up to 100,000 people to Ohio’s oldest city for a party in the streets. At the confluence of the Ohio and Muskingum rivers, festival-goers enjoy paddle-wheelers, events, and the famous fireworks display. Our sponsors and volunteers are essential for the continuation of this beloved festival tradition in our riverboat town.

Help new generations fall in love with historic Marietta by supporting the area’s biggest annual celebration.

Ohio River Sternwheel Festival

Ohio River Sternwheel Festival