Wasco will provide free shuttle service for the general public during the following days/hours:
Shuttle buses will be watching for riders between the Washington County fairgrounds and Tiber Way on Butler Street. The bus will travel Front Street to and from these points. They will be looking for riders at the fairgrounds and under the Washington Street bridge. Riders can also flag down the bus if stuck between those points.
Ohio River Sternwheel Festival (ORSF) official parking is available on Second Street, between Butler Street and Greene Street. Additional parking is available on Greene Street between Third Street and Second Street.
All ORSF parking is $5.00 on Friday and $10 on Saturday.
View the full Festival Map for more parking information, including handicap parking location.
Each year, the Ohio River Sternwheel festival draws crowds of up to 100,000 people to Ohio’s oldest city for a party in the streets. At the confluence of the Ohio and Muskingum rivers, festival-goers enjoy paddle-wheelers, events, and the famous fireworks display. Our sponsors and volunteers are essential for the continuation of this beloved festival tradition in our riverboat town.
Help new generations fall in love with historic Marietta by supporting the area’s biggest annual celebration.
The Ohio River Sternwheel Festival in Marietta, Ohio takes place the weekend after labor day. Enjoy a weekend of family fun, fireworks and more. Admission is free.